Lucifer is an American urban fantasy television series developed by Tom Kapinos that premiered on January 25, 2016 and ended on September 10, 2021 It is based on the DC Comics character created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Keith and Mike Dringberg. The character was introduced in the comic book series The Sandman and later became the protagonist of a spin-off comic book series Both series were published by the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics. The television series was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer Television, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television.
The series revolves around the story of Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis), the DC Universe's version of the Devil, who leaves Hell for Los Angeles. where he runs his own nightclub named Lux and becomes a consultant to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The ensemble and supporting cast includes Lauren German as Detective Chloe Decker, Kevin Alejandro as Detective Daniel "Dan" Espinoza, Amenadiel as D.B. Woodside, Leslie-Ann Brandt as Mazikeen, Rachael Harris as Dr. Linda Martin and (beginning of season 2). Amy Garcia as Ella Lopez. Filming took place primarily in Vancouver, before production moved entirely to Los Angeles beginning with the third season. The first season received mixed reviews from critics, although later seasons received better ratings; Many critics particularly praised Ellis' performance. Despite initially high viewership for its debut, ratings for the entire series on Fox remained consistently low. In May 2018, Fox canceled Lucifer after three seasons. A month later, Netflix picked up the show, where the series continued for a further three seasons, earning consistently high viewership numbers for its tenure on the streaming platform.
I have liked this serial quiz very much, the acting in this series has also been done very well and the animation is also very good. The make-up of the character in this also looked very good, he played the role of Lucifer Morningstar and that too very well.
You people should also enjoy this series and the last part of this series has also become a reality. You must have liked it very much, see you in the next article, till then good bye take care.
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